I would like to tell a story about my teammate. I’m not going to mention her name I only can give her initial. The following is the details:
She also known as “Dancing Queen” among all of the Indonesian student reside in Manila. She’s working with me in the same office and her cubicle is beside mine. She’s good and nice. She tries to wake me up every morning because I got Insomnia. That’s the good thing about her but the story is not ended yet.
The story that I’m going to write is about Sari behavior in the office. She used to buy chips for “Mirienda” even though its still 11:00 am, she normally ask me to cook a pop corn in the pantry area because she’s scared while passing the entrance gate since the “Manung” Guard is quite discipline not to allow her to bring the pop corn inside the working area. She like to spray her cologne everyday after lunch, before going home or anytime she think it’s proper. J J J
If she didn’t have calls for a period of time she will start chat in MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, any format of chatting, friendster, hi5, ringo, and blog just name it I believe you will find her name registered in that account.
Basically as of this moment she always declare that she’s single but I noticed that she only chat seriously with 1-3 person only meaning to say the Princess is opening her heart. So guys packed up your stuff and hunt for her heart you will not regret your decision afterwards, but please be informed she’s kinda hard to catch and just like what Jet Li normally appear in the movie….she always pretend that she didn’t need someone in her life…but she plan to get married in the age of 26 or 27 years old. (How can you get married if you didn’t open your heart..ha..ha..figure it out by yourself)
The last but not the least, you can count on her and you will be lucky enough if you can have a friendship with her because you will never regret it, but please limit yourself if you’re become her office mate. Peace SAR..ha..ha..ha…
Ps: masih tetep mau bangunin gua kan..ha..ha…
set deh... posting loe ini udah kaya testimonial gtu yah bo?
(Dengan PDnya gue ngerasa kalo yg di omongin itu gue =p) Ok, mari kita mulai...
duduk di samping coco tuh yah, bawaannya pengen makan mulu... (skrg aja coco baru beli twister fries) jadi salahin coco aja yah kalo tiap harinya kerjaan gue di kantor itu ngemil sama chatting hahaha...
*masih ada popcorn nieh co di pedestal gue... ga ada yg berani bawa ke dalem... abis kalo bikin popcorn, pasti wangi bgt, takut yg lainnya pada ngiler, jadi langsung di hadang sama si manung =p
kayanya di kantor ngga bisa friendster deh... yg ada, gue cuma chat, en sibuk sama blog. kalo chat, loe kenal gue lah... bisa rela mantengin komputer seharian =p dan pasti loe sering jadi saksi hidup kalo gue suka cekakak cekikik sendiri sambil chatting =p
co, loe salah, gue tuh maunya nikah umur 24-25. biar jadi ibu muda gtu loh nek... hahahaha...
niwayz... segitu aja deh dulu komen gue... oia, gue masi rela kok bangunin loe... jika ada request...(sssttt... kadang gue di sogok pake kwetiaw ala coco loh... sluuurrrp) sering2 aja yah co.... hahahah...
lama2 gue curiga, kalian ini ngeledek gue yah? =p makanya cariin gue cowo donk... yg simple aja... yg enak di ajak ngomong =)
Sar..dari yang simple (yg photonya tidur mulu) ampe yang complicated (maksud gua si Sandhi) kyknya gak ada yang berhasil...lo tuh yang jelas dong..maunya ama yang mana...ciri2 dan typenya gimana...hari gini pilihannya masih universal gitu...ha..ha...ayo mau comment apa lagi loh..gua tungguin....
duh gue paling ngga bisa nih kalo di tanyain ciri2 dan tipe... =p (penting bgt ngga siy?) kayanya cuma butuh "chemistry" cieh... dan komunikasi 2 arah... cieh cieh...
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