Monday, June 06, 2005

Description of My Favourite Music

What is Jazz

Mix the soul of blues, the harmony of classical music, the rhythmic complexity of African music and the melodic improvisational qualities of Indian music, and you'll get somewhere near what has become one of the truest and most original art forms America has created. Jazz grew out of ragtime and blues music at the beginning of the 20th century, and has continued to develop under the guidance of visionaries such as Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, and Herbie Hancock, influencing classical, rock, and hip-hop music as well as contemporary art and literature. While it started as dance music, jazz has developed many offshoots that are meant to be listened to closely, with intensely intricate improvisations and complex rhythms justified by a natural, inherent swing.

What Is Acid Jazz?

Like a half-sister of hip-hop who is also jazz's cousin, acid jazz sprung up in the late 1980s and made jazz danceable all over again. Under the influence of the stringent jazz-funk and rare grooves of the '70s, artists such as the Brand New Heavies and Groove Collective proved astute performers onstage, while DJs like Greyboy got down in the studio--each generating locked, percussion-laden rhythms and coexisting peacefully with the similarly beat-heavy trip-hop movement.

Notable Artists: Jamiroquai, Greyboy Allstars, Groove Collective

What is Latin

This is a far-reaching genre encompassing Spanish-influenced folk, pop, jazz, and dance music from various regions of primarily Latin America. Early Latin recordings relied heavily on acoustic instrumentation, but by the 1980s musicians began incorporating poppy formulas and electronic technology. Both mariachi and Tejano styles usually stick to classic folk instruments, but some modern artists infuse their recordings with U.S. pop-production techniques. The use of Spanish vocals and chants is one of the chief consistencies binding the genre's many musical variations, but another defining theme is the bold focus on rhythm. Salsa, rhumba, samba, and bossa nova all adhere to distinct rhythms.

What is Samba?

This is a far-reaching genre encompassing Spanish-influenced folk, pop, jazz, and dance music from various regions of primarily Latin America. Early Latin recordings relied heavily on acoustic instrumentation, but by the 1980s musicians began incorporating poppy formulas and electronic technology. Both mariachi and Tejano styles usually stick to classic folk instruments, but some modern artists infuse their recordings with U.S. pop-production techniques. The use of Spanish vocals and chants is one of the chief consistencies binding the genre's many musical variations, but another defining theme is the bold focus on rhythm. Salsa, rhumba, samba, and bossa nova all adhere to distinct rhythms.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Things That I'm Going to MISSED

Bentar lagi gua bakalan berangkat ninggalin Philippines, sedih juga sih karena gua dah pernah hidup di Negara ini selama 6 tahun lebih kurang… waktu yang cukup lama juga buat explore banyak hal disini. Yang pasti akan gua rindukan adalah teman-teman satu gedung apartement. Kita biasa dipanggil “Anak-anak Sisval” dan anak-anak PPMIP MAKATI, MANILA, QUEZON. Berikut ini adalah list hal-hal penting yang akan gua rindukan:

  • Makan di Manang (selain murah..boleh ngutang pula)
  • Makan di Pares (jgn sering2, soalnya dulu leher gua sempet gak bisa muter krn keseringan makan disini..kolesterol tinggi...he..he...)
  • Belanja di Walter Mart (deket rumah and nyaman)
  • Beli DVD dan CD Games di Plaza Fair (Goodbye langganan DVD)
  • Main Bola tiap Minggu sore di San Lorenzo Soccer Field (Good bye Thai Team)
  • Nongkrong di Coffee Bean, Seattle Best, Starbucks and Figaro Greenbelt III
  • Ke Kantor Sykes Asia Inc yang di Burgundy Tower
  • Makan Fish Ball abis pulang kantor di depan Plaza Fair
  • Joe Kuan di Buendia
  • Nasi Biryani dan Chinese Food Ong Pin dan North Park
  • V-Bar, Eastwood, Cowboy Grill dan tempat-tempat kegembiraan dan kehidupan gemerlap sejenis
  • Bakso di tempat Dhini...and Pempek di tempat Pak Abuzar
  • Banjir di depan Sisval..he..he..walaupun nyiksa tp lucu juga liat anak2 squatter berenang
  • Tagaytay yang cukup indah dan sejuk...sari..kapan lagi neh kita jalan2 rame-rame k Tagaytay??
  • Baguio tempat liburan yang endang pas summer and December
  • Kampus De La Salle University, Taft Campus yang dibalut warna putih dan hijau, swimming pool nya, soccer field and library plus tempat nongkrong anak-anak undergraduate yang full gadget
  • Mc Donald samping DLSU..nongkrong dulu sebelum pulang kelas
  • Immigration Office, Intramuros, setiap bulan february, june and december...harus extend visa dengan antrian yang panjang
  • Tempat main bola sodok di Plaza Fair
  • National Book Store, Power Books, Mobile 1
  • Tenda orang meninggal di sekitar Sisval..hampir setiap minggu ada, kayak giliran gitcu...
  • Ayala Town Center, Alabang...cozy for relax
  • Masa-masa indah "BUKA BOTOL" he..he...he..kapan lagi nih dre? di Ibiza aja yah...
  • Baywalk, Manila accoustic performance
  • Supir Taxi yang ngeselin, karena pura-pura gak tau jalan, batu kalo diomongin, sombong kalo dah christmas ama kalo lagi gak tau bedanya lampu tulisan "TAXI" kalo nyala ama nggak nyala
  • Satpam disini yang suka belagu...berasa kyk polisi or Rambo tanpa jurisdiksi hukum yang jelas...cuman kalo diladenin malah cemen
  • ABG Blink2 (gak nyinggung temen kantor gua loh..he.he.he..maap sar..bukan elo)
  • Tennis di YMCA and Driving di Kagitingan Driving Range (sehat banget deh....)
  • F&H (Folded & Hung), Bench, Human, Men's World and Prima Linea...toko-toko favorit untuk belanja atribut Metro Sexual
  • Tower Records yang edisi CD nya lengkap name it...biasanya sih ada...walaupun masih kalah ama HMV dalam soal inventory
  • KBRI Manila....maklum..dulu pernah berkantor di lantai 3...he..he..he...San..terusin aja yah..sapa tau balik-balik lo langsung jadi Inspektur Jenderal..he..he...buka koperasi aja kita..buat support seragam..he..he..

List yang lain...menyusul...he..he..he..

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

How To Speak Lovey-Dovey

How to speak lovey-dovey
By Karen Salmansohn

If you’re like me, you probably grew up thinking the French were zeee most romantic people. So you can imagine my surprise when I had a French beau who started calling me un-sexy French things, like “my flea” and “my little cabbage”—then swore those were terms of endearments among his people. Yeah, right, monsieur, I told him. Then I found out they were indeed lovey dovey-isms—and that the person who spread that rumor that the French spoke the language of love obviously had no idea what he/she was talking about. Then I started thinking about the lovey-dovey-isms we Americans use—like snookums—which inspires one word: Huh? Soon my curiosity was piqued and I started to ask my friends from other countries what lovey-dovey-isms they called each other. I got some doozies. Below is the sum total of these wacky, international sweet nothings for you to use and share with your special little cabbage, separated into easy-to-follow categories.

Mon petit chou (French): My little cabbage
Zuckerstuc (German): Sugar pea
Mya morkovka (Russian): My little carrot

Zaubermaus (German): Magic mouse
Zyeinka (Russian): Little rabbit

Moja zabcia (Polish): My frog
Tsipotchka (Russian): Little birdie

Animal-food hybrid
Zuckerschnecke (German): Sugar snail

Honey bunny (American): Honey bunny

Yogodka (Russian): Little berry
Mi media naranja (Mexican): My half orange

Cupcake (American): Cupcake
Meu docinho de coco (Brazilian): My little coconut treat

Ma puce (French): My flea
Mi chinicuil (Mexican): My bug; my worm

Fofinho (Portuguese): Little fluffy thing
Shnoogly-woogly (American): Shnoogly-woogly

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Memorable Quotes from Notting Hill (1999)

I love this movie, consider me as one of Julia Roberts fans he..he..he…the following is the memorable quotes from the movie that I really like specially the one in Bold. reminds me of something and someone. I really know William feelings when I watch the movie. I miss u my good friend……

Anna Scott: You know what they say about men with big feet.
William: No, I don't, actually. What's that?
Anna Scott: Big feet... large shoes.

[who will get the last brownie?]
Anna Scott: Wait, what about me?
Max: Sorry, you think *you* deserve the brownie?
Anna Scott: Well a shot at it at least huh?
William: Well, you'll have to fight me for it, this is a very good brownie.
Anna Scott: I've been on a diet every day since I was nineteen, which basically means I've been hungry for a decade. I've had a series of not nice boyfriends, one of whom hit me. Ah, and every time I get my heart broken, the newspapers splash it about as though it's entertainment. And it's taken two rather painful operations to get me looking like this.
Honey: Really?
Anna Scott: Really. And, one day not long from now, my looks will go, they will discover I can't act and I will become some sad middle-aged woman who looks a bit like someone who was famous for a while.
Max: [long pause] Nah, nice try gorgeous, but you don't fool anyone.
William: Pathetic effort to hog the brownie.

Anna Scott: After all... I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

Spike: Just going to the kitchen to get some food, then I'm going to tell you a story that will make your balls shrink to the size of raisins.

William: I enjoyed the movie very much. I was just wondering, did you ever consider having more horses in it?
Anna Scott: Well, we would have liked to. But it was difficult, obviously, being set in space.

Bernie: I'm sorry I am so late. Bollocksed up at work again, I fear. Millions down the drain.

Max: You haven't slept with her, have you?
William: That is a cheap question and the answer is, of course, no comment.
Max: "No comment" means "yes."
William: No it doesn't.
Max: Do you ever masturbate?
William: DEFINITELY no comment.
Max: You see? It means "yes."

William: Whoopsidaisies!
Anna Scott: What did you say?
William: Nothing.
Anna Scott: Yes you did.
William: No I didn't.
Anna Scott: You said "whoopsidaisies".
William: I don't think so. No one says "whoopsidaisies" do they? Unless they're...
Anna Scott: There *is* no "unless." No one has said "whoopsidaisies" for fifty years and even then it was only little girls with blonde ringlets.
William: Exactly. Here we go again. [He falls off the fence again]
William: Whoopsidaisies. It's a disease I've got. It's a clinical thing. I'm taking pills and having injections. It won't last long.
William: It's as if I've taken love heroin, and now I can't ever have it again.

Anna Scott: Can I stay for a while?
William: You can stay forever.

William: I live in Notting Hill. You live in Beverly Hills. Everyone in the world knows who you are, my mother has trouble remembering my name.
Anna Scott: I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

Honey: William just turned down Anna Scott.
Spike: You daft prick.

Max: Let's face facts, this was always a no-win situation. Anna's a goddess, you know what happens to mortals who get involved with gods
William: Buggered, is it?
Max: Every time.

Spike: I knew a girl at school called Pandora. Never got to see her box, though.

Spike: There's something wrong with this yogurt.
William: Ah, that's not yogurt, that's mayonnaise...
Spike: ah, right-o then. [continues to eat it]

Anna Scott: Hi. I'd just like to apologise for my friend, he's really sensitive. Don't worry about it! I'm sure it was harmless. I'm sure it just friendly banter. I'm sure you guys have dicks the size of peanuts! Enjoy your dinner, the tuna's really good.

Bella: Do you want to stay?
William: Why not? All that awaits me at home is a masturbating Welshman.


Selama di Baguio kita mengunjungi Mines View, Strawberry Farm, tapi gak sempet buat nyari strawberry jam yang di refer sama temen terpercayanya si Andre. Anyway kayaknya selama disana kita bisa having fun banget dan melupakan kehidupan sehari-hari yang sibuk dengan kuliah, kerja dan kehidupan malam. Walaupun pas di Baguio kita sempet juga clubbing di tempat yang cukup menyenangkan krn model Eastwood tapi dengan suhu minimalis jadi gak bakal ngerasa panas.

Yang cukup seru gua rasa selama di Baguio tuh pas lagi cari-cari hotel untung deh akhirnya nemu yang harganya pas kapasitas juga pas. Anak-anak yang nyusul pun kayaknya cukup merasakan kegembiraan buktinya pas kita pulang di milis ppmip pusat ada foto Anko ama Sandi lagi naik Bebek berdua di sebuah taman wisata di Baguio city. Cukup heboh juga tuh milis setelah pemuatan foto yang diambil oleh papparazi tersebut.

Pas perjalanan pulang semua berjalan dengan lancar dan baik-baik saja, hanya pas masuk di North Luzon Expressway hujan pas sampe Manila malah panas, kering kerontang and gak ada hujan setetes aja kembali k rumah dengan suasana panas Makati...untung gua punya cara jitu...sampe rumah, nyalain ac plus pintu kamar ditutup, beresin barang-barang terus mandi. Abis mandi masuk k kamar wah dingin dan damai rasanya, pules deh tidurnya........

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Plesir Baguio (22-24 April, 2004)

Plesir Baguio (22-24 April, 2004)

Tanggal 22 April…hari Jumat..setelah party Pesurnay dengan theme: “Pesurnay umurnya nambah” yang diadakan secara gegap gempita di Congo Grill, Pasay Rd. gua, Andre and Bambie meluncur ke terminal bus Victory Liner meeting point dengan Cilpie, Bonnie dan Hide. Kita semua mau plesir ke Baguio selama 3 hari. Dapet bus yang jam 12 malam…..

Selama perjalanan gua duduk ama si Bambie, ya gitu deh sama-sama gemuk jadi gua agak susah tidur, lagipula gua emang susah tidur kalo dalam perjalanan. Akhirannya ya gua harus nikmatin aja perjalanan walaupun gak bisa liat keluar karena semuanya gelap gulita.

Jam 1 pagi si Andre dapat telephone yang isinya adalah konfirmasi anak-anak Sisval sedang siap-siap untuk meluncur juga ke Baguio pake mobilnya si Angga. Bayangin aja Lancer 91 diisi oleh 6 (ENAM) ORANG!!!! ribet kan, disuruh ngebayangin aja pasti males. Kita sampe di Baguio jam 5.30 pagi and anak-anak yang nyusul nyampe jam 6 pagi. Anak-anak yang mengambil keputusan terakhir untuk mengejar kita adalah Angga, Abe, Crispy, Sandi, Anko dan Roy.

Setelah dapat hotel and check-in 2 kamar Gua, Andre, Bonie dan Bambie pegi ke Camp John Hay. Kita makan di House of Waffles, emang sih harganya agak lumayan tapi porsi dan rasanya okeh banget apalagi pas waktu breakfast di udara yang segar dan bebas polusi gak kayak Makati.

Kita emang rencananya tidak mau makan Junk Food selama di Baguio. Wisata Kuliner yang dimulai di House Of Waffles kemudian dilanjutkan ke Mongolian Grill (Buffet Mongolian, rasanya lumayan cuman minyaknya agak kebanyakan), Sizzling Plate (Suasananya cukup Cozy dan saucenya lumayan cukup nendang), Café by The Ruin (Cozy atmosphere cuman optionnya kurang banyak, Yoghurt strawberry dan Turonnya enak), Coffee Shop di Session Rd samping Cathedral (Porsi besar harga terjangkau).

Baguio cukup banyak berubah memang dari semenjak terakhir gua kesana tahun lalu, SM semakin padat, Session Rd. makin macet cuman kalo dipikir emang Baguio itu tempat yang enak kalo buat liburan summer, maklum Manila panasnya minta ampun.

Satu hal yang cukup menarik adalah…kita semua udah ngajak si Sari, soalnya kita tau dia kerja pas sabtunya…cuman yang diajak lebih demen nonton Ja-rule katanya. Ternyata setelah tau kita rame-rame di Baguio dan seru dia kayaknya nyesel gitu gak ikut, ya apa boleh buat nasi sudah menjadi bubur. Udah gak nyusul ke Baguio untuk merasaka kesenangan, kemeriahan dan kegembiraan bersama-sama ditambah nonton Ja-rule nya batal lagi, soalnya yang mau diajak malah pergi ke Puerto Galera.

To Be Continued…..

Friday, March 25, 2005

The Story of My Office Mate

I would like to tell a story about my teammate. I’m not going to mention her name I only can give her initial. The following is the details:


She also known as “Dancing Queen” among all of the Indonesian student reside in Manila. She’s working with me in the same office and her cubicle is beside mine. She’s good and nice. She tries to wake me up every morning because I got Insomnia. That’s the good thing about her but the story is not ended yet.

The story that I’m going to write is about Sari behavior in the office. She used to buy chips for “Mirienda” even though its still 11:00 am, she normally ask me to cook a pop corn in the pantry area because she’s scared while passing the entrance gate since the “Manung” Guard is quite discipline not to allow her to bring the pop corn inside the working area. She like to spray her cologne everyday after lunch, before going home or anytime she think it’s proper. J J J

If she didn’t have calls for a period of time she will start chat in MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, any format of chatting, friendster, hi5, ringo, and blog just name it I believe you will find her name registered in that account.

Basically as of this moment she always declare that she’s single but I noticed that she only chat seriously with 1-3 person only meaning to say the Princess is opening her heart. So guys packed up your stuff and hunt for her heart you will not regret your decision afterwards, but please be informed she’s kinda hard to catch and just like what Jet Li normally appear in the movie….she always pretend that she didn’t need someone in her life…but she plan to get married in the age of 26 or 27 years old. (How can you get married if you didn’t open your heart..ha..ha..figure it out by yourself)

The last but not the least, you can count on her and you will be lucky enough if you can have a friendship with her because you will never regret it, but please limit yourself if you’re become her office mate. Peace SAR..ha..ha..ha…

Ps: masih tetep mau bangunin
gua kan..ha..ha…

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

7 Years After...

Yesterday I went back to my alma mater for attending graduation day. Coming as an alumni change a view of my perspective. I can see parents that embrace each others as they seen their lovely son or daughter march to the pulpit receiving the diploma and shake hands with a bunch of respected professor of the university. It's totally a happy day for the parents that spend a huge amount of money for the education and a lovely day for the graduates since they don't have to follow the rules of the dormitory anymore :) (The university is a boarding school with a long list of regulations to be followed)

Coming to the campus and attend the graduation exercise is just placed second on my list of reasons to come. The youngest daughter of my host parents and the boyfriend of the second daughter is celebrating their graduation day too. The main reason i attend the ceremony is to meet my host parents during 1996-1998. In circa '98 they emigrate to US and since then I never met them directly, we just sending email's and chat.

to be continued........

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Hari Ini...

Hari ini gua jadi bikin blog..gara-gara si sari ama maria...
biar seru katanya..jadi ya gua ikut2an aja dah.ha.ha.ha